Let’s Talk Beds

So first of all, let’s talk about beds. Beds, an absolute no-no, unfortunately, is memory foam. Any memory foam toppers, any softer toppers that you’re looking for comfort, they do not support a good posture long-term. They might feel fantastic right now, but long-term, your posture will change, integrate, and you’ll get weaker, and you will come and run into signs and symptoms. If you’re going to bed at night feeling okay, and you’re waking up in the morning with any pain, any stiffness, something’s happening in the night. That’s a big clue, so it’s either your pillow height or your bed. So no memory foam.

If you’ve got a slatted bed support or bed, then please buy some plywood that’s flat to put under your mattress. The mattress will last longer, and it won’t get dipped in so quickly, and that’s another thing. If your mattress is dipping, please look to replace it. We’re in bed an average of eight hours, most of us, so it’s really important to spend and invest your money there.

We have two links at reception for sort of a higher range in price and a lower range in price at the moment for some really good beds. And I personally have changed my bed in the last few weeks and seen such a change in my results here, so I really actually, I can’t recommend it enough.

Check out our free posture quiz here for more information on how we could help you!


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