Goal setting for 2019

Are you setting goals for the New year head?

The month of January is usually a time where we have over indulged at Christmas and had some time off to recharge and start January thinking about the year ahead. Most commonly people set health goals for the year, exercise more, loose weight, make healthier food choice have better work life balance and so on. What ever your goals are, I want to help you achieve your goals.

I’m sure many of you will have set new years resolutions and goals for the year ahead. This is great, it is important to have goals and visions.
The realty is that a lot of people set unrealistic goals that often don’t last past January. They are often the same goals you didn’t achieve last year, which can leave us feeling disheartened.

So this year don’t set the same goals as last year. You probably didn’t achieve them due to them being unrealistic, not taking smaller steps towards your goals or they simply were not in line with your highest values. If your goals are not in line with your highest values you are unlikely to achieve them.

If you are setting goals it is important to set realistic achievable goals in line with your highest values. So set some time aside to think about what you want to achieve. If you don’t know what your highest values are here are a few ideas to help you. Think about what area of your life would you like to grow and develop? I feel it is important to have both work and personal goals to create balance.

The wheel of life self assessment tool is a great exercise for helping you create more balance and success in your life, it can help you identify areas of your life you need to create growth in.

Also use Demartini’s value determination process, click here


Here are my top tips for setting and achieving your goals for 2019

1.Firstly I think its important to reflect on the great things that happened in 2018 and all the things you did achieve. What are you most proud of? Anything you did not achieve let go of it.
2.Determine your values, set your goals.
3.Don’t set the same goals if you didn’t achieve them unless you are going to change how you’re going to achieve them.
4.Get clear on your goals, 1 year then 6 months, 3 months and 1 month. Make them bite size and achievable. Breaking the steps down in to smaller step makes it more tangible and achievable for the year ahead.
I even like to set daily and weekly goals, a goal is pointless if you don’t have a plan of action, smaller steps need to be taken and achieved to get there.
5.Set a time scale and write it down. I have a diary where I can do this and tick off what I have achieved.
6.It is the small things you do on a daily, weekly basis that add up to the big changes down the road.

Bianca Downey



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